Back To Human: Tranquility Amid Haste


In the relentless rhythm of modern life, the prevailing sensation is one of constant hurry. All day long, we're swept up in a whirlwind of obligations, deadlines, and commitments, often without a moment to catch our breath. Yet, as we rush from one task to the next, it's becoming increasingly apparent that the urgency is mostly unfounded, a product of societal pressures rather than real necessity.

This feverish pace manifests itself vividly on the roads, where impatience reigns supreme. Drivers dart between lanes, gripped by a relentless desire to outpace the clock and fellow commuters. The result? A surge in accidents and collisions, each one a stark reminder of the consequences of our collective haste. Yet, behind the wheel and beyond, the need for speed underscores a deeper problem – a loss of patience in the face of life's myriad demands.

To counter this unrelenting frenzy, several reminders can enable us to regain our sense of humanity and calm:

  1. Rushing seldom saves significant time but often increases stress and risk.
  2. Constant movement can diminish our ability to be present, causing us to miss enriching experiences.
  3. Continuous haste can lead to burnout, negatively impacting our health and overall life satisfaction.

Recognising these can help us slow down, appreciate the moment, and foster a more balanced approach to our lives.

Originally posted on LinkedIn.