Shannon's SOTA Journey: The Importance of Goodbyes

 Last Friday was a day steeped in reflection and pride. I had the pleasure of attending Shannon's Farewell Assembly at SOTA. Over the past six years, she's danced through challenges, painted her dreams, and composed friendships that will last a lifetime.

Shannon receiving her SOTA certification of completion
The ceremony reached its zenith with a presentation by the level head using 5G as an analogy. Each 'G', showcased through a vibrant image, carried a profound message: Keep Giving, Grow, Be Grateful, Forgive, and Goodbye.

The 5Gs of graduation
Of these, 'Goodbye' struck a chord in me. Rather than seeing it as a mere parting word, it was emphasized as a pivotal aspect of life. Goodbyes, though often tinged with nostalgia, are essential rites of passage. They aren't just endings; they're markers of personal evolution. Without these moments of departure, growth and maturity remain out of reach. For Shannon, and indeed all of us, saying goodbye to SOTA doesn't signify an end but rather acknowledges the invaluable lessons, experiences, and friendships garnered.

Life unfolds as a mosaic of moments, and as Shannon prepares for her journey beyond, we realise the importance of embracing every chapter, however fleeting. Because it's in these transitions, and goodbyes, that we truly discover ourselves and our potential.