One-on-One Time
Given the holiday, conflicting schedules, and the desire for some people to sleep in (precisely because of the holiday), it is rather difficult for us to go out as a whole family - in fact, I often find myself having meals with just Amber or Shannon.
In this case, everyone else was actually here, we were just guarding the table while the rest were buying food |
There was a time when we would have insisted that everyone go out together but after a while, it gets too difficult to arrange and you just go with a "you're around and free, so you come with me" attitude in order to at least get some semblance of a family outing kind of feeling.
As the kids grow older, they end up making their own plans and you become less an important part of their lives - unless they are asking for money or have run out of food, or both.
Well, these are the days - you can choose to cherish them or ignore the opportunities.