Give Thanks

This year has been anything but ideal. However, in the midst of the chaos and confusion, we find we have a lot to be thankful for. And it is the little things that are the most important, like spending time with family and friends, the smiles we give and receive (even behind the masks), the shared humanity we live each day with those around us –trying to make sense of things together.

On this Thanksgiving Day, let’s remember to be grateful and appreciative of everything we have. I am humbled with the blessings we continue to receive, remembering there are many who are less fortunate and struggling – may they get the help and support they need.

During times of crisis, we are reminded of the things that are truly important in our lives – the air we breathe, the food sustaining us, the clothes we wear. Often, we strive so hard for bigger houses, cars, expensive holidays, gadgets, that we forget the blessings we already have, sitting right next to us, holding our hands and wiping our tears away.

Keep this feeling of gratitude in your hearts, each and every day.