The new "pants"

I had a dream the other day I went to a concert (Lady Gaga was performing) and I forgot to bring my mask. And everyone else was wearing one (except Lady Gaga, because she had to sing, silly).

Anybody can be a bank robber!
Nowadays they would probably arrest you for not wearing a mask into the bank.
I kept asking myself, is the virus situation over? And I thought, if there was a concert and everyone was crowding, then the pandemic was likely to be over – but people were wearing masks, so in that case, they must have been trying to disguise themselves, or perhaps it was a Halloween event with everyone dressed like it was cool to be social distancing?

Anyway, I felt vulnerable and very out of place. It’s almost like those dreams where you go out and overlooked having to put on trousers, and then you're forced to go about the rest of your day without wearing anything below. In our current, and post-COVID-19 world, masks are the new pants. You better put one on, or people will be shaming you because your nose and mouth are exposed for the whole world to see!