I weep, for sleep!

Teenagers don't need to sleep, or do they? Or they dont need to wake up?

Once you get to teen-hood, your relationship with sleep becomes funny.

At night, they don't want to sleep. But in the morning, they don't want to wake up. It's the inertia of consciousness. When you are conscious, you want to remain conscious. When you are unconscious, you also want to remain that way. We might be able to identify with that. Why sleep when you can have so much fun, watch TV, play games, text and so on. And in the morning, why wake up when you can just laze around and do nothing thats the life!

Youth is wasted on the Young. I think this saying is so apt when it comes to teenagers and the way they waste their time away doing seemingly time-wasting things, like lying in bed until noon on weekends (and weekdays when there is no school).