When it gets hot, take out the FUN!

Somehow, just as Dads are all about having fun, Mums are all about doing your homework and finishing up your 听写. This might not always be the case, but I think each family has a pair of opposite spouses which end up being the push-pull forces to keep the kids in check. If you have both of the same, whichever way, you could end up with children which are doomed.
The ship swings while the storm brews in the distance.
So am I saying it is healthy to have such "match-ups"? Definitely not peaceful or as harmonious as you would like to have around the dining table, but perhaps beneficial in order to have a balanced diet of fun and work - as they say, "all work and no play makes Amber tired and cranky."

So the battle goes on - and as a self-declared fun-loving person, I have to continue to push my agenda to let the kids (no matter how old they become) have a bit of fun with their father or amongst themselves.

I know, studies have shown that studies are important and has shown a very real co-relation to determining how successful you become in life. Having said that, it's also good to be well balanced and silly too!