Really on the brink

Two months ago, I thought we were on the brink. Turns on that was a trial run and we are really at the edge of the cliff right now with all Primary 6 students sleeping, at this very moment, with their hearts in their mouths and a BPM 20% faster than normal!

Dancing makes her happy!
Besides the stressful reality of receiving the results, those 3 digits printed on that piece of paper - look out for it, Facebook and Instagram will be flooded with these postings after 11am - it will also technically be the last time Shannon (and her friends) would officially be in school, in their uniforms. In my opinion, this is significant - they will formally be saying goodbye to their second home which has housed, nurtured and watched them grow for the last six years, half a lifetime.

Some students return on Childrens' Day, Teachers' Day and so on to visit their teachers and torment their juniors - which I hope Shannon will continue to do, at least to maintain that tradition. Talking about the tormenting bit.

But anyway, it's time for sleep now as tomorrow morning will be stressful, exciting, emotional and joyous - all rolled into one electrifying rollercoaster ride!