Angered to the World we live in

Angriness, or Anger, is a feeling of unhappiness or despise, typically towards a specific target, like an object or person. Normally it is directed at another human as it is hard to be annoyed at an inanimate item, or animal, for an extended period of time, although it isnt unheard of.

Why do you get angry? Because things dont go our way? Worse still, they go against what you want. Someone or something might have deliberately, or accidentally, executed an action which we dont agree with, or violently object to.

Being a monster can be fun and surprisingly serene
We live in a selfish world where generally speaking the rule is, do it my way, or face my wrath. And I will fight you with my voice, my aggression, my silence, my sarcasm, my revenge, just you wait. Even long after an incident is over, the remnants remain lodged in our hearts, maybe not like daggers, but akin to wooden splinters which cause little milligrams of pain every now and then, to remind us of the hurt that used to be there, the feelings of anger that still linger just beneath our shallow facades.

Can one de-anger oneself? Does it have to result in having an attitude of dispassion and nonchalance in which you just stop caring about things? So that basically, it doesnt matter to you how things turn out? Or can you still have an eager participation but remain open enough to be able to listen to others, understand their standpoint and come to a collaborative outcome, or even be willing to admit that you could be wrong?

Im not writing about anything, anyone or any incident in particular, but am just worried about humanitys current direction towards protectionism, hostility and an insistence on safeguarding your own interest, at all costs.