To drink or not to drink

Nigel staring at the drinks
while eating an egg-tart
There is actually no need to order a drink when you brought your own water bottle along it really defeats the purpose of lugging a full bottle of water out when you insist on order a can drink or iced-lemon tea.

But we parents dont normally bring out our water bottles, which results in us having two choices:

  1. Ordering a drink and then having the kids stare at you saying not fair and I want to order too
  2. Having to become super generous and ordering a drink for everyone
  3. Just pretending to be in a desert and going thirsty

We mostly go with 3 but sometimes 2, with the strange situation where Celest and I end up sharing a drink while all the kids have their own. So its almost like a 3 for us, but 2 for them.

Parenting requires sacrifice.

And you thought this was going to be about people getting drunk.