Chill, it's only exams

It is the end of the year exams again (for some) and the usual talk of childhood stress, kids falling into depression and jumping to their deaths would begin to surface again. This is normal for the society we live in, with parents and schools alike putting tremendous pressure on students to score high marks and do better than their peers.

There was a recent article about a boy who killed himself earlier this year as he did badly in his exams and was probably fearful of facing his parents. This is becoming an increasingly common story as parent’s expectations continue to remain high, even as they get older, subjects get tougher and more distractions enter their little lives. E.g. mobile devices, friendship issues, CCAs.

You want your child to do successfully in school? How do you define success? What is your definition of failure or a setback?

Not all children are academically gifted – and even then, a child who is strong in one subject might not be strong in another. Don’t expect your child to score 90 because of your neighbour’s son, or because his best friend in school did. Remember that each individual is unique, special – and rewind to the day they were born and you held them for the first time and whispered into their ears “no matter what happens, you are my son/daughter and I will always love you.”

Also, I don’t believe there is a strong correlation between how well you did in school and how successful you will become in life. Many of the guys I know who didn’t do so well in school, skipped classes and so on, all ended up in very meaningful professions, living happy and contented lives with their families.

So end of the day, chill - everything will be ok.