The Next Generation is Red(dy)
August was the month of singing National Songs, hanging the Singapore flag from our window and car mirrors, and of wearing red. It was the month where you would see a multitude of red and white decorations on the road side and hanging from HDB blocks. In all likelihood, all these fell on the ears of a cynical population who has grown tired of hearing the same tunes each year and might have started falling out of love of Singapore for whatever reasons.
Amber and I caught the NDP preview, thanks to HP! We entered the stadium late due to the queue, and sat 3 rows from ground-level. |
For the kids, however, their story has just begun. And say
what you will about the schools playing Tomorrow’s Here Today several times in
the build up to August 9th, the process of nation building has to
begin somewhere, and why not with a catchy melody? The world is a vast and
confusing place and we have to lay a foundation upon which our next generation
can safely build their dreams. It might be family, religion or country – or a
mixture of all – which would give them the security and confidence to excel in
their chosen areas of pursuits. As for me, I will teach them to love their country
and their neighbours, and to respect their elders and the forefathers who have
built this nation we call our home.
And just when I thought that I was doing a decent job, I
hear them singing out loud in a restaurant, “One table, Four people, Let’s play
Mahjong …”