Temptation Technology

Flying a kite at the Barrage
We literally cannot escape technology - it is all around us, in our pockets, in the air we breathe. Whether we know it, or like it, billions of bits of data buzz around our heads at the speed of light containing meaningless information  - videos clips, instat messages, emails, you name it. You can't escape it.

But do you and your children have to participate in it? That choice is totally up to you.

How often have you seen a family with everyone engrossed in their own personal devices. Or even worse, with parents (mostly both) busy on their phones while their kids run all around then, or God-forbid, even try to talk or play with them! The parents shoo them away, desperately trying to get back to their Facebook, or their mobile games.

What a complete waste. One day, these kids will outgrow you and the little time you had to play with them, get to know them, build that relationship, is over. Just as you can't turn back the clock, these moments are rare and can not be retrieved from the photobooks of the past.

So don't waste your chances while you still have them. Turn off our device and turn on the kid inside you. To use a marketing term, Engage! If you don't know what else to do, go fly a kite!