Peaking too early?

Nigel taking the GAT as part of the DSA application.
This question keeps going through my head. Is there such a thing as peaking too early? Can someone be prepared too early for an event - for example an exam? Logically speaking, one can never be too prepared and be do it too early. However, psychologically and from a mental energy perspective, I think it could happen.

Imagine you're running a long distance race (or something else if you're not a runner, perhaps you're at a dinner buffet). If you start off the race too quickly, you might get that initial lead and feel really good about yourself. But as the race goes on, chances are (if you're not a professional runner, or not really that hungry in the case of the buffet) you'll end up slowing down because you ran out of energy and everyone else would slowly overtake you leaving you in the dust.

Does this apply to studying? Maybe yes, maybe no, maybe I don't know.

After all, once you learn something, it should go into your brain and stay there. Right? Not always the case I suppose - especially if most of your brain storage is reserved for Xbox.