No fun please, We’re Parents

Our lives revolve around the enrichment, education and entertainment of our children. It’s sad, but likely true – that sentence probably sums up the mission of most parents, at least the more involved ones among us, and I don’t mean to judge. (Having said that, those three Es are brilliantly well thought out huh?)

Our lift is so slow that there is always time to take a few shots
We recently had a friend come over to our place with her children. And as our kids played together, screaming, thumping and turning our place into a mini-futsal stadium, we sat at the table, drank wine and discussed the current state of affairs with regards to religion, the education system and life in general. None of us screamed, threw things at each other or even got a tiny bit enthusiastic, except when someone spilled a bit of water on the seat in a failed attempt at a science experiment.

My friend pinged me later to thank me and tell me that her kids had fun with ours - and that she had fun too. I was shocked! The thought didn’t even cross my mind that as adults, we could have fun, without having to toss around a ball with someone standing in the middle being the monkey!

We get so caught up with the lives of our young ones that as we while away the time waiting for their activities to complete, we hang in a limbo state of semi-consciousness, not living, just watching the minutes, and breathing just enough to stay alive. However, we too are at liberty to enjoy what we do and have fun – weather it be walking around the mall, sitting somewhere having coffee and checking emails or having a civilized conversation with another adult at a low decibel frequency.

It is in the little bits of life’s journey that we find the key to happiness and a meaning to living. As the cliché goes, it’s not the destination, but the journey. So try to enjoy every moment of what life throws your way. We were once children too, but somewhere along the way, life became a bit of a chore.

If nothing else works, keep a ball made of masking tape in your bag.