High expectations, With exceptions.

We expect a lot from our kids because we invest a lot in them. We put in time, money, effort, tears, petrol, and a lot more. And just as with any investment, the more we put in, the more we expect to get out of it.
However, children are not bank accounts or unit trusts – they are individuals with unique personalities, skills and interests. No doubt when they are young, we can try to infuse in them part of our own personalities hoping that some of what we think is good would bond with their DNA to perhaps form better versions of ourselves. But this only works until a certain age until they brains start to develop, along with their character. Suddenly they are opposing that piano lesson, or disliking Chinese classes.

So things don’t always go as we would like them to – and not every child is going to be a lawyer, surgeon or a professional footballer. We should embrace that and understand that only when we allow them the room to grow, explore their talents and give them the opportunities to try and fail at different endeavors can they become more well-rounded individuals.

They can then excel at their chosen field not because mom and dad wants them to do so, but because it is being driven by their inner passion.

But all easier said than done, given most kids have no idea what they want to do with their lives and the breath of opportunities out there.