My Februrary Flowers

It's already March, but I can still reminiscence about the Good Ol' February we just had.

One of the highlights of the month was the day I spent some money on roses for my three lovely ladies - as you can see in the picture.

You might say, "What a waste of money buying overpriced roses, such a commercial rip-off etc." I think that's quite true - Valentine's Day is the perfect occasion for flower shops to jack up their prices and rake in the cash. (I co-owned a flower shop once, so I know how it works.)

But on the other hand, I want my daughters to know that a guy that truly loves you will go the extra mile, pay that extra dollar, to do that special something for you. It might be the thought that counts, but if someone isn't willing to open up their wallets to pay a few tens of dollars to get you that rose(s), then what does it say about them?

Is he saving his money for a more special occasion? Is he really broke? Or is he just trying to skimp on a simple gesture that represents "love"? Spending money on roses might seem like a wasteful expenditure, but to a girl, it is a "signal" that you mean enough to her to want to "invest" in your relationship.

It does sound shallow, but deep down, I think all girls/women wouldn't (totally) disagree with me :)