Minimal downtime

Some screws were taken from the back of the doctor's PC.
Celest has a couple of screws loose.

As you might know, my wife was walking around for the past 19 months with some metal plates and several hundred screws in her right leg. Multi-coloured screws, to be exact. This was because of a fracture which was sustained on a Korean holiday in December 2012. Ah, such fond memories of panic, confusion and misery.
Anyway, she got them removed on Thursday. Apparently they weren't needed anymore and the doctor said they could be removed for another large sum of money - and he wasn't pulling Celest's leg.
Your ring so small ah? Your husband is a cheapo.
So she's now on crutches again, just like the good ol' days where there was hobbling, hopping and lots of commanding of people and children around to fetch objects, food and anything else that would keep her subjects busy. The last time we got smart and put everything on the coffee-table in front of her before she even asked for it - the phone, remote control, refrigerator. That saved us the hassle of have to scurry around at the last minute. I've raised smart children. The problem now is we do not have a coffee-table - mainly because nobody in our household really drinks coffee.
This time round, she'll be up and walking within the week, so they say (so I hope). The bones have miraculously joined together (by the organic super-glue called Calcium) and just need time to get used to not having a couple of metal buddies to hang on to. Also the wound needs time to heal too. What wound you may ask? The one where the doctor had to cut open the flesh of her leg to unscrew (I wonder if a screwdriver was used - you can tell it had to be  Philips head) the screws.
But seriously, she currently has no reason to walk around given her new-found addiction to a Korean TV serial. Just saying.