Are you afraid of your kids?

Let's face it - kids these days are a demanding bunch. Constantly asking for things, wanting to eat at expensive places, refusing to comply unless a reward is offered. Seriously, were we like that when we were young? I remember being forced to eat at some hot, humid beefball noodle hawker joint against our wills every Sunday - we never had a say in anything - maybe the air-conditioner wasn't invented yet. I don't remember being asked for my opinion or given options.

Children these days have the ability of being "offended". They can actually get "angry" with you and throw a "tantrum" when things don't go their way. They have "rights" and I'm sure they might even have access to legal representation if you cross "their line".

But maybe it is us, as parents, who have given in too often up to the point where we are not able to step back to take back the power that was initially bestowed upon us the day they were born. Once you give up your authority, you can't take it back. That sucks - now you tell me.

Seriously - be firm with them. I actually don't think they can't afford the legal fees (which is why it is a good idea to limit their pocket money) and within 15 minutes, they would have forgotten the punishment or stern talking-to you gave them. If you don't discipline them, somebody else will - and let's hope it won't be the prison officers. You are here to be in charge of them, so take charge and do the dirty work.

Now I just need to find a hot, humid, beefball noodle coffeeshop.

For new parents, be firm with your 3 day old baby. Get him to put on his own diaper! Kidding ...