Fullness, temporary.

Amber is a small eater with a big appetite.

Amber poses with her unfinished plate of chicken rice which she struggles to finish
40% through a meal, she starts sliding off her chair, walking around, annoying fellow diners within a 30m radius. She goes: "I'm full. There's too much food. Look at my tummy. There is a line on it (horizontal one when she sits down)."

When mummy isn't watching, I help her out by taking one or two spoonfuls, a piece of chicken, etc. You should see the lines on my tummy now. Most of the oversized men walking around? They have skinny kids who claim the are full.

Right after the meal - she will drag Gong Gong or me straight to Break Talk. "I'm hungry, I want a bun, I want a doughnut." We say, "Amber, I thought you were full??". "I was. But I'm not anymore. I want a bun."

All those lines on my tummy. What a fraud.