Bad Driving - My Interpretations

There are many bad drivers on the road - but each one probably has their own story and reason for driving that way. It's hard to tell why, but here are my personal interpretations.

No Signal
People who do not know how to use their indicators have little direction is life. They have no idea where they are going, and even if they do, have an equally difficult time conveying the message to others. You can say they are spontaneous, unpredictable and unexpectedly fun, but I really think they just have no clue what they are doing.

Speed to Brake
These people have no forward vision and can not see anything beyond 15 meters. They probably suffer from severe myopia and when walking/running, would sprint right up to a wall and smash their faces into it. Besides poor eyesight, they probably have to sense of planning and haven't understood the concept of looking ahead. They live their lives 8 seconds at a time, like a goldfish.

These people are obviously bullies. They are like those that are found at the playground harassing the younger and smaller kids, following them around looking for trouble. However, deep down, they are just looking for affection and love, and trying to make friends. Probably because of their neglected upbringing and lack of social skills, the only way they know how to gain acceptance is by overpowering people, which they might boost their ego and fulfill their need for respect. End of the day, friendship continues to elude them, the poor fools.

Lane Changers
Swapping lanes while driving is inevitable. However, there are those that just keep changing, left, right, left again, all in the hopes of getting ahead, overtaking. Worse still these people do it while in heavy traffic, causing risk to other drivers and especially motorcyclists whom are already risking their lives by riding between lanes. My take is that these drivers lack commitment, are indecisive and are just looking at short-term rewards. They do not have the stamina to stick through things and are just on the lookout for shortcuts in life. Funny thing is after all that lane cutting, you still end up catching up with them and even overtaking them. You see, life rewards people who can pick a plan, and stick to it.