That magic time of day: Phi Phi Island

Our hotel at Phi Phi Island was on the east side of the island, on the beach, facing the rising sun. And the sun there rises every morning (woah!) at around 6.15am. So, instead of having to drag 3 lazy bums down to ECP, out of the car in the pitched black morning in Singapore, it was just open-the-door, take 10 steps to the sandy shore for 6 days in a row. It was cloudy on one of those days, but perfect for the other 5.

And what a pleasure it was to see the sun pop out slowly out of the horizon (actually there was a little piece of island protruding about a quarter inch), almost like an eclipse of sorts. The kids who woke up with us on several occasions payed a little bit of attention and then started chasing crabs or poking sticks into the sand.

I miss those early sunrises already. They take your cares, worries, and breath away.