A sleepover with the kids

Celest had a weird urge last night to chuck herself together with the kids on their beds and have a sleepover in their room - I had one look at the situation in there and said, it is going to be very squashed and somebody gonna get hurt. But after a little bit of discussion, we decided to go: Why not?

So she squeezed herself between Nigel and Amber and I slotted myself next to Nigel against the wall. It was rather uncomfortable having Nigel's knee in my back and having to hug bolster and concrete together. So around 2am, I gave up and trudged back to our room with my bolster, leaving Nigel behind. Celest was sound asleep - she had moved over next to Shannon and the desk, snoring louder than the children.

Shannon woke up in the morning and told me she was surprised that mummy was sleeping next to her - but she had a big smile on her face. I think maybe we'll do it more often, but we need to get bigger mattresses and maybe a bigger room too.