Tired kids, tired adults

I know I'm going to get blamed for this, but I'm going to put it out there anyway.

Kids these days have too much going on - and yes, we parents are to blame. So there, I'm insured.

But what do we do? How do we keep our hyperactive child's mind occupied with something besides computer games and iPad. How do we develop their skills when we ourselves don't have any? How do we explain to them why their friends are going for extra classes when they aren't?

And they've now reached the age where they are asking "Mummy/Daddy, can you sign me up for ...". It's true, I'm not lying. I don't remember asking my parents to sign me up for courses when I was their age. But I guess it's a good thing that they are asking for this, although their ulterior motives could be wrong (e.g. networking in order to trade cards? the teacher has an iPad?)

Either way, does anyone know of a good Creative Writing course for Primary Twos?