Happy Valentine's Day

Seems like after you get married, have children and so on, you don't really have the time (or energy, or money) to celebrate Valentine's Day. Yet for us, this is the day that we embrace the love between the couple that we once were, before the wedding, before the little pattering feet, before the whole family entourage came along for our shopping trips. There was a time when it was just the two of us.

Seems like ages ago and it even sometimes feels weird these days when we are out and about on our own. The quietness and ability to go anywhere and eat anything is almost alien and from some long-forgotten movie we watched earlier in our lives. How times have changed, and evolved us both mentally. Physically.

This morning, I wished Celest, Shannon and Amber a Happy Valentine's Day - the three young darling ladies of my life. Of course, Mummy, if you're reading this, Happy Valentine's Day to you too! I didn't get you an M&Ms t-shirt though, sorry. Do you want one?

As for Nigel, I'll give him a friendly punch and a glass of green tea tonight. :)