The Pat Pat story

The 3 kids have been sleeping together in the same room for almost 2 months and things have been generally peaceful - although Shannon has complained that Amber sometimes wakes up in the night screaming, and she has to put her back to bed by patting and singing to her. Funny, but cute :)

But I think because of that, for the past 2 weeks, we've have to pat Amber before she goes to bed. Even if it's just for one minute (which is not long enough for her to actually fall asleep), she's needy enough to come out crying asking for me (or Celest) to just "Pat Pat Me". The two older kids on each side simply comment "pat pat everynight, what's the deal here" - of course, I made up the "what's the deal here" portion, but I think you understand their attitude. In the dark, they are probably rolling their eyeballs too.

My thought: one minute of pat pat for a night of peaceful sleep? Why not. And if she does wake up again, there's always Jie Jie.