Nigel's first gold medal
He and his team did a fantastic job and came in 1st!! I think they best the next best team by something like a quarter of a minute! I recorded his part of the run (all 10 seconds of it) on video but wasn't around for the prize giving. Celest took some shots though.
Apparently he and his friends were so excited about the win that they spent the rest of the day in school with their medals around their necks. Cute right? It shows how proud they are of it.
His medal now hangs on the cupboard knob near his bed so he can see it when he wakes. And he wants to show it to everyone. We were at Parkway earlier and I told him to walk around with it, but he said people would stare at him - he says this is because they would either think he is mad, or were thinking of stealing it.
Bottom-line, he is really happy and proud to have done well and receive a medal as a result. I intend to build upon it, grow his confidence, made him excel and recognise more of his achievements.
Well done boy!