Living on our own again

After 4 years of living at Mum and Dad's, we've ventured out on our own again, in order to have a bit more space, solve the parking woes at home and allow the kids to sleep in a room with a window :) Also, it doesn't hurt to have a swimming pool just downstairs and a playground just around the corner.

But as you can imagine, living on your own is not all it is made out to be.

All of a sudden, the kids are going crazy and their grandparents are not just upstairs to call for help. No more late night walks outside while we pass the baby monitor on to someone else. I have to multitask my conference calls and keep Amber quiet while Celest sends Nigel to school.

Perils of perils.

But we've made it almost 2 weeks and our sanity is slowly returning as we've gotten into a groove of sorts.

And it's always refreshing to take a noon-time plunge into the pool to wash away the blazing heat of the day.