Parental Advice: Kiddy Incentives


Nintendo built a machine that has become a thorn in the side for us, the dream of a little boy and a possibility for improving school-work, piano practices and food devouring speeds.

It's true, children (maybe just boys) these days are living in an RPG world. From the day they were born, their tiny hands were grasped around imaginary game controllers, fingers tapping, thumbs pressing the shoot button, eyes darting back and forth scanning for enemies, bowling pins and other racers on the track.

However, if done correctly, carefully thought-out, and implemented with just the right touches, this digital nightmare can turn into a strong motivational force, a power to move. The keyword here: Incentives.

This holds true for any other goodie that your child might be into - cars, TV, parachuting. Find that knob and turn it off. Then, promise to gradually turn it back on again under certain circumstances, like finishing homework, doing house chores, bringing home a million dollars of earnings, simple stuff like that.

I won't say it's chicken feet to implement - but it isn't very difficult either. In the corporate world, it's not very difficult from setting goals, targets, all wih the promise of a promotion and a larger pay packet - something I haven't seen in almost 3 years. *sob sob*