We roughed it out
To be honest, the 2 kids slept like logs while their father tossed, turned and eyed every moving shadow and distant twig snap. It wasn't dark at all, the lights from the east coast jogging track stay on all night and cast nasty looking shadows onto the walls of our tent - which I chose not to point out to the kids.
I tried to make it comfortable enough by opening a sleeping bag on the ground and the kids seem to appreciate it. I was also rather stuffy, which they somehow overlooked while sleeping in their long sleeved pajamas. But it did get slightly cooler at around 6am in the morning, around the same time I started hearing more running footsteps coming from the jogging path, which I at first attributed to thievery.
Overall, besides the fact that I only probably slept around 2 hours and had to endure a constant barrage of punches and kicks from both left and right, I would say it was fun and enjoyable. Tips for our next outing: a tent with more ventilation, hopefully waterproof, a thicker and softer sleeping bag, and a shield (and maybe helmet) for the father in the middle.