Some of the "challenges" we have to overcome

As the children grow older, they become more independent and have to do more on their own.

For example, they couldn't walk, so we had to hold their hand. And now they run around like wild monkeys.

They couldn't eat on their own, so we had to feed them as they sat in their baby chairs. Now, they (mostly) feed themselves, although we have to constantly remind them to take the next mouthful.

Some of the upcoming tasks that would make things exciting.

1. Teach them how to bathe themselves - without making the entire bathroom wet, wasting gallons of water.
2. Getting Nigel to order his own food - he needs to do this when he goes to primary school.
3. Trusting them to go up to class on their own if I drop them at the bus-stop, at the mall. Right now Celest sends them up. This one, out of safety sake, might take another year.

The rule says - teach the oldest one first and the information will transfer via osmosis, or diffusion, or one of those.