My own "Bring Your Kids to Work" Day
So last Friday, I brought them in late in the afternoon for a quick stopover hoping there would be less people around. Unfortunately (or fortunately) some of the folks were still around and some of them popped by to see what the commotion was about.
Of course, it's strange (yet familiar) to hear the unmistakable sound of children's voices in the working place, especially when they're fighting over potato chips and asking (loudly) for water and green-tea. Nigel constantly wanted to play games on my PC and Shannon was eyeing a small balloon on my neighbour's desk. In the end, I printed out some pictures and that kept them occupied for a while.
I think they had fun and found out a bit more about what an office looks like, what people do at work and what to expect when they grow up. All that, with minimum collateral damage. We can progress to a Thursday visit next!