Sacarsm follow-up: Nigel's getting there

I don't think Nigel read my earlier post on being sarcastic with kids, but just yesterday he showed his mettle by spewing a couple of rebuffs of his own. They not only showed his ability to pick up verbal stuff from the grown-ups and use them in appropriate situations within context, but was kinda cute (until he starts using them on a daily basis, which I'm sure he will).

Grown-up: Nigel, you need to hold your own water bottle. Nobody is going to hold it for you.
Nigel (replying instantaneously): Yah yah yah.

So as I maintain, be extremely very (Lola style) careful about what you say around these little ones. They will learn and use it back on you before you know it - and I would think it unfair of us to scold them, as in truth, we used it first.