Another one hits the road

And she literally did. On the second day of her new excellent two wheel adventure, Shannon fell down three times. Why? Because she couldn't really touch the ground and when she came to a stop, the only thing that would happen is for her to tumble sideways and have the bicycle land on top of her. Ouch. Twice it happened on hard pavement.

In her dreams, I bet she swore of cycling forever.

But through the whining, tears, and screams (since when did cycling become the new form of kid-torture?), we managed to get her rolling again. And based on yesterdays trial, it looks like she's back on her wheels again, albeit still with some hesitance. I've lowered her seat as far as it could go, but she still has to tiptoe. She's really a shorty.

And so her two-wheeling adventure goes on - and each day my back hurts less and less.

But it is really an amazing thing and I can't believe it happens (until I look at Nigel cycling too) that someone can actually learn to balance on two wheels just like that. It's almost as crazy as a human being able to stand on just two legs, spectacular feat that it is. We should all be joining the circus.