Impatience with Nigel
Recently, Celest and I have been having a hard time keeping our temper in check with both children. It occasionally gets to the point where we are so frustrated that we scream and shout at them. The problem escalates when her anger rubs off on me and I get equally angry with the child in question.
I have to remind her, and myself, that these are just children and they have a long way to go in terms of meeting our demanding expectations. They take a long time to eat, can't feed themselves right and fidget all the time. However, I think that's what all children do right? Somehow, we think that only our children are that naughty and all the other kids out there are well behaved. Isn't that true?
I get to fed-up with Nigel when he practises his piano that I tend to raise my voice at him. Can't be doing him any good huh. I bet if I go on this way that he would start to dislike playing the piano. I'm already actually quite amazed that he's progressed so far so fast - I must remember to praise him about this tomorrow.
I have to remind her, and myself, that these are just children and they have a long way to go in terms of meeting our demanding expectations. They take a long time to eat, can't feed themselves right and fidget all the time. However, I think that's what all children do right? Somehow, we think that only our children are that naughty and all the other kids out there are well behaved. Isn't that true?
I get to fed-up with Nigel when he practises his piano that I tend to raise my voice at him. Can't be doing him any good huh. I bet if I go on this way that he would start to dislike playing the piano. I'm already actually quite amazed that he's progressed so far so fast - I must remember to praise him about this tomorrow.