Keeping up with the Tans
For example, when I give her M&M chocolates, she always asks "Does Uncle Alex give Elizabeth M&Ms?". Only when I say "Yes, he does." does she say "OK" and take the 2 pieces of candy. Same when she sits on my shoulders, "Does Elizabeth sit on Uncle Alex's shoulder" (of course, she leaves out the apostrophe-s). I feel like I have to call Alex up and ask him, "Hey Alex, do you carry Elizabeth on your shoulder? Also, what about M&Ms?".
Anyway, our little girl (Shannon, not Amber) is going to school for the first time tomorrow - let's see what happens. It's just 3 hours in the morning - so far, the indicators are looking good, she's looking forward to it. She does know that "Uncle Alex sends Elizabeth to school, so we have that part covered". :)