Poor baby

Originally uploaded by waycool27.
Yesterday was a long and tiring day.

It started off with us bringing baby to the polyclinic for a jaundice checkup (as directed by the nurses at KK before we left) as the levels might go up several days after a her birth.

True enough, she had a relatively high level of jaundice and the clinic told us to bring her back to the hospital.

We had to admit her, and she stayed overnight. The last time we saw her, she was wailing away under the blue photo light with eye-shades on. Poor girl, after experiencing a few days of freedom, she's now stuck in a small little glass cot unable to see what's going on.

Celest has been busy expressing milk and we'll make a trip later to visit her and pass her the milk. If the jaundice levels are lower, we might even be able to bring her home again!