Off we go
Mum and Dad agreed to look after them for this week and I hope they don't run into any unsolvable issues.
We've been telling Nigel everyday about the short trip and I think he understands - I did, however, have to promise him that I would take him to the luge again on Sentosa when we return and I hope that he holds on to that thought.
So we'll be in Hokkaido and Tokyo - 3 days each. I'm not sure what we'll be seeing there as Celest did most of the planning. She spent many days and nights surfing around looking for hotels, flights, activities and so on, so now she's the Japan expert.
We'll be calling back almost everyday I guess to make sure that everything is ok and nobody has to be admitted for loss of hearing (talking about the adults) or insanity (also talking about the adults).
Wish us (everyone) luck!