Off to school
Celest and I sent Nigel for a trial session at a nearby nursery today. It's scary for us - well at least for me. Celest seems to be somewhat OK.
So these thoughts go thru my mind: what is he suddenly misses his Mummy? what if someone bullies him? what if he doesn't want to eat? what if he falls down? These thoughts, I'm sure many many parents before us have thought, negative thoughts, silly thoughts. End of the day, he'll be alright. He's a clever boy and even though we've never left him alone with strangers for that long, is independent enough to be on his own and migle with others his age.
Yet - it's the first day anxiety for parents that strikes. Nigel's all smiles and excitement, I'm all worry and fear :)
So these thoughts go thru my mind: what is he suddenly misses his Mummy? what if someone bullies him? what if he doesn't want to eat? what if he falls down? These thoughts, I'm sure many many parents before us have thought, negative thoughts, silly thoughts. End of the day, he'll be alright. He's a clever boy and even though we've never left him alone with strangers for that long, is independent enough to be on his own and migle with others his age.
Yet - it's the first day anxiety for parents that strikes. Nigel's all smiles and excitement, I'm all worry and fear :)