Wait a minute ...

Part of the sermon today by Fr. Luke involved a bit about a new disease that is striking humans, it's called Impatience.

Today is Pentecost, the day that God sent his Holy Spirit to be with us. The disciples were sitting and waiting in a room when this gift from heaven arrived. Sitting and Waiting - Fr. Luke emphasised.

In this new fast paced age in which we live, can we wait? Do our legs tremble in anticipation of the next new thing? Do we get figitty? Does our mind wonder over what we do next? Can we even sit still? Nigel, Shannon and Gabirle certainly cannot - but they are children, still learning the art of living and still unable to reflect on their young lives. But what about the rest of us?

We should be able to sit still for moments during our hectic days - let our minds take time-outs to reflect on what we've accomplished and how grateful we should be for the things we have. All too often our hands and minds are itchy for that TV show, that computer game, that email that has to be replied. Let those wait for a minute ...