Nigel at kids show

We brought Nigel to a kids show (Kids Drop Off Party - organised by KCG) at Suntec City on Saturday for him to have some fun with other kids. We told him it was "school" of some sorts - and it really was. They had games, arts and craft activities and live animals (a snake and a crocodile). This picture on the left is at the beginning just before they started - he basically walked in and more or less sat right in front.

During the first few games, he instantly stood up when they asked for volunteers and game participants. It was quite funny and cute how he would just jump up and stand on the stage - he's got no stage fright whatsoever! He won a couple of prizes because of that and the "teacher" Mr. Mick memorized his name by then.

Later, after Celest helped him with his art work, he moved to the middle and was watching the snake and crocodile cautiously from behind some other children. He later admitted he didn't really like the animals. It was a real snake and crocodile (both babies though) that Mr. Mick brought out and some of the other kids were quite scared.

Overall, it was a fun experience for him and he enjoyed himself! He's learning to interact with other children quite well - we think.