Today was the 3rd day of the New Year and the last day of the long weekend. We took the kiddies to the beach in the morning for a bit of cycling. It's the first time we've brought Nigel's tricycle out - and going by the fun he had
[video], we'll be doing it more often. He was very happy peddling away - and it makes me remember the time not too long ago when we couldn't stretch his legs out and didn't know how to peddle and we had to push him everywhere. Also, his steering and directional skills have vastly improved - amazing. It's like he's somehow learnt how to steer - it's really crazy huh; next he'll be driving!

Celest also rented a bike and put Shanny into the seat - she had lots of fun too until she (Shannon) fell asleep and had a head flopping around everywhere. That's when they swapped vehicles and we headed for lunch at Macs.
Almost everyone has been sick recently with cough/core throats and runny noses - but it seems that we are recovering now (touch wood). The year of the dog has brought along good health and happiness indeed!

Nigel played for a while at his favourite (that's what we think) playground as we finished up the food. There were tonnes of kids there, but nowadays we're less concerned with him getting into trouble (i.e. fights, disagreements, confrontation). Also, most of the children were around his age so there wasn't going to be any bullying and so on.
Shanny had a go on the slides too - and going by the picture, she had real fun. Nigel's gonna be a "hands-up" rollercoaster rider in the future - I can just see it already!