Shanny out for dinner

We went out with dinner with 3 couples and 3 kids. These were Nick, Amanda and godson Ayden, Merv, Debbie and Fred's goddaughter Saffie and Fred and Bihye and Gabriel. Given that Nigel was tired and sitting on his potty when we left, we only brought Sahnny along.

We ate dinner at a super-cold Thai restaurant at the airport and in order to try and protect Shanny from the aircon, we made her put on Ayden's cap. It didn't last long and soon she was taking it off, as you can see from the picture. She also happened to be putting the spoon in her mouth.

Later we stopped by at Macs for drinks and desert. Here's Shanny and Ayden hanging out on the bench. They're passing around some plastic covers. Ayden's moving a bit too fast for the cam.

Ayden's turning out to be a really active boy - since the last time we saw him, he's become a real runner. I think Nigel and him would get along real well - which is probably why we (subconsciously) didn't bring Nigel along as well :)