The madness of 2 kids

So everyone always asks, what's it like having 2 kids. I mean it's no big deal right? Your parents had 2 kids, my parents had 2 kids, my uncle had 2 kids. It seemed like everyone in the previous generation had 2 kids because of the government's stop at 2 policies back then.

But what's it really like?

It's madness! It's screaming! It's yelling!

For example last night at dinner, Shannon was yelling her lungs out. She typically eats before everyone so at the dining table, she's just watching people and giving her 2 cents. When Nigel heard her yelling, he started yelling too and pretty soon they were yelling in unison. It was amusing at first until my ears started aching. Gabriel was threatening to join in too - good thing he didn't.

When one wakes up, there's a risk that he or she might make so much noise as to wake the other and then there goes our hope of getting any rest. It's really a balancing job if you ask me, and it does it times put up on the verge of insanity. Celest, seems to be able to cope - she has bouts of "I think I'm going mad" and then next thing I know, she's reading the newspaper downstairs enjoying a cup of ice-cream and listening to Black Eyed Peas on the radio. She's developed a high-tolerance and a short memory-span. I'm amazed at her ability to recover and thankful that she doesn't turn into the parang-weilding man wife that occasionally gets featured in the papers.

I'm going away on an overseas course the following week and mum and dad will be gone around the same time too. Look at the displeasure on Celest's face, I can fully understand why she's seriously thinking of sending Nigel to a childcare now.