Picture of Sky!
Fred sent me this picture of his yet unnamed son (tentatively named Sky Chong) via MMS. Here it is for you to see.
Welcome to the world "Sky" Chong - you're currently 1 hour old and there's a whole bunch of things ahead of you to do, experience and learn. You've got a wacky wacky father who will teach you how to fly a remote control helicopter in the attic and will ensure that your room has a secure digital lock!
Welcome Sky! We love you!
Welcome to the world "Sky" Chong - you're currently 1 hour old and there's a whole bunch of things ahead of you to do, experience and learn. You've got a wacky wacky father who will teach you how to fly a remote control helicopter in the attic and will ensure that your room has a secure digital lock!
Welcome Sky! We love you!