Nigel puked out milk

Right after Nigel finished his milk this morning, he puked everything out! He's done it before - twice on out holiday in Australia last year and maybe a couple of times at home too. This time it's a combination of his coughing and phlegm that's stuck in his throat/lungs. Either way, he got our bed and a bit on the back of my shirt.

We had to put both of them in Nigel's room after that so that the clean-up process could take place. We're hoping Nigel will get well real soon - this sneezing, nose running, coughing has gone on too long already. We might bring him to the doctor (again) later today - and he definitely will not be going to Celest's parents place as that would typically mean that he wouldn't get any sleep at all in the afternoon. He'll be staying home to rest and hopefully get better. This flu bug that's going around seems to be slowing down and hopefully things will recover soon.