Cheers to the new kid on the block

I finally managed to get a picture of the new parents with their little boy. They had just returned from the first check-up (BihYe and the baby's first time out of the house since they got back on Wednesday?). Everything is fine and from what I heard, he's currently at a good 2.75kg.

Both new father and mother looked like they were in pretty good shape although there have been complaints about loud crying every hour or so at night. The little boy sleeps a lot during the day, probably to catch up on the lost shut-eye from tormenting his parents after midnight. Cheeky little boy - looks like Nigel's going to have competition!
Celest is having a nice time helping to look after the new baby too - she's always eager to go have a look, carry and so on. Maybe it's time to have number 3 as someone suggested?

We'll be going church tomorrow as usual - except that Bihye probably will not be coming with us. Confinement means you don't even go to church - God will understand. We'll pray for you and yet-to-be-named baby BihYe.

Talk about names, Fred has a whole bunch of non-practical names if you ask him - so don't bother. The last conversation we had was sprinkled with "Picasso", "Van Gogh" and "Pablo". Poor baby.